Hi loves!
How are you?! My name is Blake, and I am a confidence coach, extraordinaire, confidence queen – whatever it may be for the day – it’s hard to put a label on it and put it all in one box. I’ve always known my life mission was to help people, and more specifically, to empower women to perform, unleash their true selves to the world – take up the space, be too much, be bold, all of the things.

I have struggled with the story of not being good enough my entire life, and often thought it was the reason to NOT do this whole confidence coaching thing. I even had people tell me it wasn’t tangible enough to sell + make money, but I was always like “What do you mean? I would pay a lot of money for this lol.”
Since I was a teenager, I dreamed of a world where women felt fully empowered, beautiful, strong – owning each room they walk in. Changing the energy of the room, elevating it by just…existing.
I would drive to school each day singing songs that helped me feel confident, bold, and fully love myself. And eventually, that vision evolved from just being about me, to imagining women everywhere feeling this way.
A world where women showed up bravely and boldly, who took up their space and chose to create confidence from within. A solid foundation that no one could take away from them. Seeing empowered women is…it’s a generational thing. I see women like us going on to empower and impact those around us, and that getting passed down to daughters, imagining a world where young girls are uplifting one another and standing in their power. It’s just…it’s hard to put into words.
Our dreams matter. Our souls, our hearts matter. We are worthy unconditionally. Everything gets to work out for us because…of course it does.
I think deep down we all know that, I think we were born with that diva, all knowing energy + it’s not so much becoming that woman, it’s unearthing her + letting her come through.
And beyond that – there is nothing you have to do to be worthy. You being here does not mean to have to accomplish some great feat in your life to be worthy – if you want to run a million dollar business, um yes, do that. And if you don’t? Um, yes, do that too!!
You deserve to feel good just because you exist. You deserve to not only love the parts of you that are “easy” or that you “should” (hate that word btw – something we will remove using together), but the ones that are hard.
The parts others told you to hide, to compromise, be ashamed of. Even the parts that no one knows about that only YOU know about – you deserve to accept yourself as all you are and more.
I think I could keep droning on about myself, telling you my history, my background, all of the things, but personally I hate sifting through all of that.
Honestly, we are all beautiful and complex humans and there’s too much to sum up. Personally, I feel people’s energy and that’s what makes me stick around in their world, you know?
Of course, I’m always open for questions and to chat – I love meeting people (find me on Insta!!).
If anything, I do hope you leave this page feeling a little more empowered, a little more inspired, a little more “Yes, I am that b*tch and I can’t believe I ever doubted or believed anything less.”
Because you deserve it. You are worthy unconditionally, and most importantly, you are worthy of being your own biggest fan.
I love you. Welcome to my world – it truly means everything to have you here.
xoxo, blake.