choose to see you differently.
There’s a lot talk in the spiritual and manifestation world about choosing to see things differently…
From situations, challenges, our own self-limitations…all of the things.
Today as I was journaling through some of my own doubts and uncovering my own true self-image, here’s what came through…
The thoughts and limiting beliefs, the view we hold of ourselves FEELS real. It really does — after buying into these lies for so long, you’re bound to believe them and that be your default.

You may not even realize that you HAVE your default, and that is where becoming an observer of your internal world is key.
It’s in the way you react when someone compliments you — do you thank them and truly believe them? Do you try to brush it off, or even deflect it back to them? Or maybe even just straight up dismiss it and say “No, I’m not.”
Feel that in your body — how does it show up for you? These are the reactions that have become so ingrained in yourself that you don’t even notice any more.
Viewing ourselves as less than becomes…habitual. And it’s normal, and it’s human.
The thing is…just as you have the power to see things differently…
You also have the power to see yourself differently.
You have the power to say to yourself “I choose to see me differently — I choose to see myself for all that I am, and no longer all that I am not.”
Choosing to see yourself differently…it creates a momentum shift. It signals to your subconscious, which then tells the world around you…
This woman…she sees it. She sees herself for all she is — a force to be reckoned with, captivating, magnetic, alluring, certain, free.
When you choose to see yourself differently, you make a shift towards your self-worth coming from YOU and knowing you are inherently worthy. You recall your power from outside validation — from needing people, achievements, material things, to tell you your worth.
Instead, you now show TF up and tell the WORLD your worth — that you have always been worthy unconditionally, and you will not take anything less.
Especially from yourself.
A woman who sees her worth, the first standards and boundaries she sets is with herself.
This is a first, but huge step towards unearthing the woman you are, the woman you have always been.
Bringing her to light, remembering who you are…
She’s been with you every step of the way, calling to you, nudging you, cheering you on, and waiting for you to finally let go of what you think should be…
And allow what is to come forth.
Take a moment with me to pause…
Think about how you view yourself. What statements do you notice you say about yourself?
I am…
I think…
I have always been…
When you feel into those statements….how do they feel? (there is no right or wrong here — we are observing your normal state. Getting to know you.)
Whatever doesn’t feel good…is just simply not true.
And whatever doesn’t feel good, which is not true, gets to fall away.
You get to choose to see you differently, and you get to set the standards for how you will now treat yourself, talk to yourself, and so much more.
What boundaries do you decide to set for yourself now?
P.S. I will be going over this more in depth on my Patreon page — something I am SO excited about to continue to connect with you on a deeper, more immersive level and continue building a community of beautiful, inspiring, empowering women. I love you! See you there!