decide the woman you are.

4 min readOct 8, 2022

We all have an inner diva. The woman inside ready to break free, the woman who knows how life works. And..we shut her down each time.

Because it’s scary to let her come out, and anytime you do, while it feels amazing in the moment, soon the ego creeps back in and has you questioning everything about yourself. Who are you to be her? Who were you to say that? Who were you to decide life gets to be this way?

And you respond…

F*ck you, I am [insert name] here. I don’t have room or time for you anymore. Okay? Okay.

And other times, you shrink. You lean into that voice and allow it to consume you, and the doubts just go on a rampage, unchained and uninhibited, and…you give in.

But each time, you find yourself giving in a little less. And a little less. A little less.

Until you start to slowly recognize what that resistance is, that wall that so often pops up…

You start to see it as separate from you, versus it actually BEING you.

You realize that…it doesn’t mean anything.

When you create something you love and feel so proud of, put it out into the world and then…crickets…

You may feel disheartened, but deep down you know it doesn’t mean anything about who you are and where you’re going.

Because ultimately, you decide the path, the way, and the life you want.

You decide the woman you are.

The woman who gets to have it all, and she gets to have it all her way.

The woman who no matter how many times she knocks herself down, she also extends a hand to lift herself back up.

Resilient. Fire. Grace. Passion.

This is you, fully, living and breathing. Life is lucky to witness you, and loses it’s breath at the magic you hold.

The magic you find yourself getting lost in others…

What if you let yourself get lost in YOU? In your own aura and presence?

How would it feel to finally be confident in your skin, your energy, you being?

To transcend all of the beliefs that have “held you back” and to finally do life your way?

To own the room, captivate the world, and…live fully in the purpose of being you?

This is a movement and uprising of sorts, the one where women are learning to be comfortable with who they are versus needing another course, another book, another person to validate them.

A world where women feel strong and empowered in their own validation, that know how to give that to themselves.

It’s possible — it is so possible. I really just need you to know that — if you never read another post, take away that you have all you need within you and spending time with YOU is always a major key, an answer, that we often run away from.

What do you think? Where can you release pressure from yourself and allow your magic to shine through?

Listen girl, I get it. It’s so easy to get caught up in other people telling us who we are, how to be that woman, what things to do — the habits to have, the thoughts to hold, all of these things.

And no matter how much you practice, implement, it just still feels…frustrating. And like you are doing a lot of work just to ultimately feel the same and feel like no progress is being made towards what you want, and who you want to be.

So…do this:

At the core of it, who are you?

What part of you is craving to be acknowledged and unleashed that you keep ignoring? That maybe it feels scary to show, to be, or even just doesn’t feel good enough?

What parts of you have you kept hidden?

In a perfect world…are you really all that imperfect? These beliefs you hold about yourself and who you think you should be…do they ultimately feel true?

Or is it a world where you would feel free to be yourself?

What rules and expectations are you holding yourself to?

Decide that they now get to fall away.

If it were safe and nothing could happen — no judgement, nothing…who would you now be?

Ily. Tell me how this helped and DM me if you have q’s!

xoxo, b.

