for women everywhere…

3 min readApr 28, 2022

For women everywhere, my personal journaling turned into a deep message for you (us):

“Today has felt hard, and yesterday felt hard too. I have just been in my feelings, ironically, and not feeling up for anything. Not feeling like myself, feeling defeated. And I think it’s just a reminder of remembering who TF I am.

These days will happen and they don’t make me bad or less than — they make me a human navigating a really big world with complex emotions and things, emotions that society will tell you to hide or aren’t good, trying to fit into a world where even self-love is regulated and has a certain “look” it seems. The woman trying to keep it all together — build a business, work on yourself, maintain your relationship, your appearance, show up 40 hours a week or more for your job, show up for your family, be a good person, partner, co-worker, leader, sister, daughter, all of the things — it’s EXHAUSTING.”

Annd… it’s no wonder we spend more time feeling down than up. We are constantly reaching for these impossible standards we decided to accept as our own and lost ourselves along the way.

When is the last time you asked yourself…

What do I want? What do I truly want?

These goals I’m reaching for — are they mine, or are they to help me achieve acceptedness and enoughness for others?

What do I actually value? Do I truly want a six-pack, or do I just need to feel comfortable in my body?

Does my relationship really need to look this way, or is it perfect the way it is and something I love?

Do I really need to look this way to be attractive, or would I have found myself beautiful regardless of what everyone else said?

What do I, me, myself, LOVE about…ME?

What do you love about you?

Not what you think you’re “supposed” to love.

Not what you will love when it looks this way or is this way.

When you act a certain way, show up a certain way.

What do you love NOW?

It’s there. It jumped in your head and you brushed it aside.

No matter how small it is — cultivate it. Give it attention and energy.

It will grow, and things that grow spread into other parts of us and start to shine a light on other things we love.

It softens us to the parts we hate, to the parts we try constantly to fix.

What if you could just simply…be?

What if you knew you were enough just by being?

It would feel like a giant exhale wouldn’t it?

Exhale into it — allow it to come through + to believe in it.

Don’t take it away from yourself before the world even sees you.

Give yourself the chance you know you deserve.

You are enough, unconditionally.

You just have to take a moment and realize…

Wait..I don’t have to do any of this any certain way to be enough, have enough, or whatever it is.

I get to be happy and get to have the things because..I simply do. It’s just who I am.

And those are the standards I am saying yes to.

All the yes.

Tell me how this made you feel below. What new standards are you leaning into and claiming for YOU?

