how to be + stay confident
How to to be confident + stay confident?
You become your own best friend.
Your biggest advocate, number one support, cheerleader, biggest fan.
Facing the hard things and choosing to know differently anyways.
Sitting with yourself when you aren’t feeling good enough, when the tears just seem like they won’t stop flowing, and holding that space for yourself unconditionally, witnessing with or without judgement.
It’s having that truth talk with yourself on the really hard days when you said you’d commit to something and feel those feelings of fear, overwhelm, and procrastination come up.
It’s healing.
Healing the beliefs you know are lies, even the ones you don’t but are sick of believing anyways.
It’s more than pretending and acting as if.
It’s an entire process of getting curious about…YOU.
Who are you?
What do you love?
What do you enjoy most about life? What are your dreams? Your needs?
What makes you feel alive?
What scares you, and why?
What needs healing, what do you need to shine a light on?
Often we seek confidence as validation from the outside world —
family, friends, lovers, strangers,
people we don’t even like.
And true confidence comes from within, validating yourself, your emotions, experiences,
quirks, and loving yourself just as much as you do your friends, family, and whoever else gets to experience your light.
And it’s a process.
A process of witnessing the insecurities come up, allowing them to surface and face them, allowing yourself to just BE with them.
It’s witnessing fears, insecurities, and making small choices each day to believe differently.
You wouldn’t be reading this post if you didn’t believe differently about yourself.
Confidence is personal, and I believe we were all born with it. It’s just a process of getting back to ourselves.
What does confidence mean to YOU?
What is holding you back?
What are the things you wish to say? Wish to be? Wish to…do?
What do you want most for yourself that you’ve felt afraid, maybe even ashamed, to claim and acknowledge?
It’s okay if it doesn’t feel true now, if you feel resistance.
Explore that resistance. Know it can feel untrue and you can decide differently anyway — there’s space for both. ❤
Xoxo, Blake