how to tune in and listen to yourself

4 min readNov 20, 2022

clearing the noise and hear yourself in the chaos…

I know we are heading into kind of a crazy week and crazy season really — life is busier than usual, or maybe it’s not and it’s more silent, harder, more challenging. Everyone’s chaos and craziness looks, feels, and sounds different, and that’s okay.

What I want to talk to you about today is creating space for yourself and clearing the noise so life doesn’t feel like such a whirlwind, where you’re constantly looking for moments to catch your breath and recoup while becoming more frazzled, frantic, and stressed by the minute.

As I was journaling today and once again trying to pinpoint whatever cause it was to why I procrastinated, felt like I was spinning my wheels and getting no where… here’s what came through:

I realized that despite my best intentions, I was very much letting how I feel, or how I felt a situation would go, dictate whether I was going to take action on something or not. Things like running errands, going out with friends, or simply just working out when I said I would.

Realizing that I was letting my emotional state run the day suddenly shined a light upon why things feel so crazy, inconsistent, and like a freaking rollercoaster all the time. And… it’s finding peace in the discipline, finding peace in the focus.

What does any of this have to do with clearing the noise and hearing yourself?


The thing is, when I share these stories with you, these breakthroughs, advice, whatever it may be, it’s from creating space to hear myself and clear the noise. It’s not always feasible, and sometimes it feels really daunting to be honest.

But, as you dive into this next week, season of life, whatever it may be…

What is it that YOU need most, and… what feels realistic?
Like of course, we can accomplish all of the things and life can work out perfectly — that’s a core belief we get to have, embody, and live by.

But also, we have to get your energy BEHIND that belief, yes? You can simply decide what you want and how you want the week to go, hand it over to the Universe and know it’s going to work out…

If you just tried that and still have this lingering feeling, worrying about what ifs, not fully buying in… that’s okay.

Let’s create some space to hear yourself, yes?

When you think about your day, where do you have that time, maybe even just a few minutes, to hear yourself think?
To sink below the noise, the internal and incessant chatter, the swirling to-do lists, the feelings of overwhelm, anxiety, whatever…
Allow yourself to fall beneath those surface feelings and thoughts — we often live from the surface versus deep within our own soul.

Take deep breaths, focus on your breath.
In, and out.
Tune in, feel everything around you, within you.
Notice where you body is, how it feels, how YOU feel.
And… listen.

How are you? What do you notice is coming through for you?
What is really important?
How do you want to feel this week?
What do you need this week? What do you need today, maybe in this moment?

Focusing on creating this intentional time each day can be life changing, and it doesn’t have to be any one way.
If you hate sitting still, then allow yourself to find this moment while walking, doing the dishes, whatever it may be.
Listenign to music, to your anthem, your playlist that gets you super high vibe and in tune with yourself.
As you’re falling asleep each night, or waking up in the morning.
Do you.
Always do what works best for you.

Life is about creating something that works for us, not doing it simply because this person said to or that person said to…
It’s taking what resonates, leaving the rest behind, and adding your own little spice to it.

Personally, my favorite way to clear the noise is throwing my AirPods on, going to a different room, shutting the door, and just breathing. Journaling helps so much too — just letting it all flow out without any direction or making it make sense.

When I can’t fathom sititng still? Walking lol. Moving helps shift energy in such a powerful way, and clears the space.

There is no right or wrong way to do this.
Tune in the best way you know how, and know it takes practice.
Soften when you feel like forcing,
breathe when you feel like it’s not working,
and give yourself grace when it starts to feel liek you’re doing something wrong.
Building a relationship with yourself takes time, hearing yourself in the noise of life, takes time, and that’s okay.

The thing is, you DO know how…
You simply think your how isn’t good enough and there must be another way.
Let go.

My fave q’s for tuning in:

How are you? What’s going on beneath it all today?

What’s on your mind and taking up a ton of energy?

What is it that you’re not getting to that feels important? (for me this is usually self-care, working out, things to do with my goals, etc.)

How do you want to feel?

If you were on the other side of all of this, what would you now know?

The version of me that has this figured out, what would she now tell me?

What’s the one thought/thing I’m ignoring internally because I think it’s too simple, easy, not good enough, etc? (this is the guidance to take and act upon — we like to overcomplicate things and make them hard lol.)

And then I choose to remind myself that I am a strong, capable, ambitious woman and literally get to create my own reality because that’s who I am and who I decided to be. Yes? Yes.


