i am a woman who rises.
i am not a woman who shrinks, but a woman who rises || a mantra I wrote to myself one day when I felt really down and defeated, and I hope it gives you the power it gave me. ❤

As you read through this, I want you to really embody these words and feel them with your entire soul, your entire being, every bit of essece that you hold about yourself.
You are not a woman who shrinks.
You rise.
You see things differently than most people, than most of the world. You are able to somehow see the good in others, no matter how “bad” they may be.
You are able to feel empathy on levels incomprehnsible to others, you can feel the energy around you everywehre you go.
You are the one people turn to when they need a shoulder to lean on, to have fun with, and everything in between.
Deep down, you know your true power, and it terrifies you.
It’s scary to face the truth of who you truly are, and to allow it to come to the surface.
These gifts you have that you so naturally extend to others, are gifts that you think only others are worthy of.
You could never possibly feel compassion for yourself — you knew better, you should have done this, you could have done this.
You desperately want others to see how incredible and beautiful they are, for all they are, but can’t give it to yourself.
And I am here to tell you again…
You are a woman who rises.
No matter what the world has thrown your way, no matter what YOU have thrown your way,
you rise.
When things feel really heavy to the point you can’t breathe, and just the thought of getting out of bed took eveyrting you had in you,
you rise.
The world tells you how things should be — what people to hate, which to love, which deserve compassion, which don’t, and even when you are lost in the confusion and feeling completely alone and like no one gets you or like, these ideals can’t even be real,
you rise.
You come to the surface, you push forward, and you continue to go even when you don’t know how to.
It’s time that you see yourself how the world sees you. How you deserve to be seen.
How you deserve to truly feel about you.
To allow yourself to be in awe of your brilliance.
To feel the power of the woman within you- the one who always rises.
These layers of you, every part of you, the ones you hide, that you feel aren’t enough, that you try to change, the ones you feel proud of, the work ethic, the ambition, the compassion…
All of it is you.
All of it is worthy.
There are quite literally no words to describe the force that is you and the woman within you, the woman that you are, the woman you have been.
All of it is worthy, all of it is you.
You are all of it, and you are worthy of it all.
What if you flipped the switch and saw yourself as you see others?
Allowed yourself to be amazed by all you just simply…are?
There’s no medal, no award, in how critical you can be of yourself, to wave away your accomplishments, the incredible person that you are.
What if you were just simply proud of being? Of existing?
Said to yourself like yes girl, you really always do the damn thing. You have been there for you, you have created amazing memories, experiences, and life, no matter what. Look at you — I’m so glad you exist. I’m so glad we are here, I’m just… I’m just so, so incredibly in love with you and thankful for you.
For falling,
and for rising.
Know your power. Stand in your power. Recognize and unleash that power, be the advocate for yourself, and be your own best friend. Don’t rush to tear yourself down so you can shield yourself from the world, to beat others to it.
Stand proudly in who you are simply by setting the intention to do so.
“I allow myself to see me for all that I am, to be vulnerable and love myself even when it feels wrong, and to give myself grace when that doesn’t happen. I accept I am enough, I am a powerful f*cking woman, and I always rise. I rise.”
When you rise, and when you see yourself rise, you are able to lift others up along the way with you.
As women rise, we all rise together, as a collective, and it’s a powerful, beautiful movement…
which is really increidble to be apart of, isn’t it? How lucky we are ❤
The women of Iran have been on my heart consistently over the last few months. While I will never have words to express or even come close to touching on the situation they’re in, I did want to link organizations that are providing support to them in this time. I encourage you to research these, and if you are able and feel called, to donate, speak, or whatever it may be. Again, there are no words I can put to what they are going through and even calling them brave just seems like such an injustice to the amazing and incredible beings they are. I also know how helpless you can feel and like there’s not much that you can do from wherever you are in the world, but even the smallest actions help, no matter what. ❤
Iranian American Woman Foundation
Women’s Foreign Policy Group ( also ways to advocate and support Iranian Women)
Women’s Committee of National Resistance Against Iran
I am also linking this article from Global Citizen for more ways to help and more information.
I also wanted to add this resource to help with how to write an e-mail or letter to your representatives. I personally know this can feel really intimidating, so I hope this helps ❤