Let’s talk…perfectionism.
We hear time and time again that there is no such thing as perfect, yet this never really resontaed with me. Logically, of course, perfect isn’t a thing however when I heard you can’t create anything perfect, I couldn’t piece together how to release this expectation while maintaining high standards for myself, for my work, for…everything.
Until I realized that perfectionism was actually driven by deeper stories and fears. Fears of not being good enough and the need to control how others see me, how others view my work…it’s me protecting myself from those things.
And that’s ok. When we really get clear on how calling ourselves perfectionists is truly serving us, that’s when the magic starts to happen. releasing perfection is releasing control, and while it feels hard, it’s necessary. trust me, I felt resistance from myself just typing that out.
Because it is hard, especially when you’ve been wired your entire life to settle for nothing less, to be your own harshest critic, and to listen to those around you and put those opinions above your own.
The thing is though, when we are in that mode of “perfection”, we are trying to control things, control people, control outcomes, and that’s not alignment with who we truly are.
Who we truly are is divine, connected beautiful beings with things to say and dreams to get out into the world. And once you are able to separate that energy, those true desires and intentions from that need to control, that’s where the magic happens.
You expand, you shine your light, you know without doubt you are truly capable and worthy. your highest self, truest self, comes to light and does what she’s always been meant to do.
The opposite of perfection is…allowing. It’s releasing expectations and trusting that what you create, each step you take, is exactly what needs to happen. it’s trusting in the universe and most importantly…it’s trusting in yourself.
Things to ask yourself…
What is my need for perfection protecting me from? What am I afraid might happen if just do the thing?
What resistance am I experiencing when it comes to doing the thing? WHERE is that resistance coming from? (for me, it’s a story of not being enough, which of course, it’s false. you, I, are more than enough, unconditionally.)
If I were certain of where I was going, knowing my desires where already DONE and waiting on me to arrive, what would I allow. myself to do/be/create now?
What would it feel like to allow good things to happen to and for me? How would I move, think, speak differently?
Spend some time with these, and allow yourself to free flow with these thoughts without judgement. it can feel hard when you are worried about getting it wrong, but the thing is, you can’t. tune in and listen to yourself, allow yourself to be freely and fully expressed. You are worthy, unconditionally.
xoxo, blake.