to the relentless women of the world.

Dear Relentless Woman….
The woman reading this, who is full of self-doubt…
stay the path.
Know that the fire that burns within you, no matter how weak it becomes, even if becomes just a smolder…
continue to breathe life into it, give it the air it needs…
the air your soul needs.
There will be days where nothing seems to be going right,
when you look back and wonder if you’re crazy, if maybe other people are right, if you should just quit, try something else, and go back to a quiet life…
Days where you catch a glimpse in the mirror of the messy hair, the tired face, where it seems all you can see what is “wrong” with you…
and your doubts may heighten…
but you know who you are. This woman peering back at you…she is relentless, she is fierce, she is that woman, always has been, and always will be.
Stay the path.
The path that is the truth of you.
Whether it’s making a big decision for your family, deciding to pursue a new career, education, make an offer on the home, set a boundary, or simply be more authentically you…
Stay the path.
You might be questioned, your faith may be tested, everything you work on in the dark to build yourself up may feel threatened with a few well-meaning words that feel you with doubt and fear…
But…you are relentless.
You overcome, you are a survivor. You are strong, determined, driven, and gifted.
And…you deserve to explore what is yours to explore.
You are no wrong for pursuing your passions, you are not wrong for challenging the status quo — nothing you desire is wrong or could ever be wrong.
Your soul gets to shine through — this is your life, your time.
You can decide what gets through, and what you will not let challenge you.
Your worth, your confidence, knowing who TF you are…that all comes from YOU.
You made a decision and promise to yourself, and no one tells you how scary that can be, how hard it can be to trust yourself…
But…it’s worth it. It’s always worth it.
You are worth your own trust, belief, and fire.
You awe, you inspire.
You have plenty of time…you are a woman of abundance, and you know how life gets to go for you. Deep down, you know this.
Give them what they’re waiting for and even better…
blow your own damn mind. Give YOU what you’ve always been waiting for.
Allow yourself to be absolutely amazed by who you are, the woman you are, the resilience, the strength, creative, human, beautiful beautiful human you are and have always been.
When you decide to live in your truth and trust in that, whether a blazing fury or a small spark, you are inspiring others along the way. Maybe that’s not your goal or intent, but people can’t help but to be inspired by a woman who trusts in herself and goes for what she wants…
A woman that is free, from not only society’s constraints, but her own.
(it’s also very okay and very necessary to rest, to take time away from the world, zone out, whatever you need — it’s yours to take. relentless, strong, driven and ambitious women…we get to ASK for help, receive support, and not be expected to do it all, all the time, all alone.)
Say this with me:
I always rise — I have always risen, I always have my back. I trust in what I want, in who I am, and even when that feels threatened, I get to know, decide and choose that’s not my truth. I get to be the example of what’s possible, I get to show others what it’s like to fully love themselves and that living life on their terms is so possible. I get to be fully me. It’s safe to be fully me, and I will show TF up always. I have me, I love me, and I am everything and more. Yes.
love, love love.
xoxo, Blake.