girl, be obsessed with yourself — why wouldn’t you?

3 min readJul 20, 2022

As women we are taught to be humble and to hold back. To be small, to make sure we take up just enough space, but not too much.

To be cognizant of your looks, your hygiene, your outfits, your career, the way you speak, how you cary yourself…

But not too much.

To be accomplished and humble, to be meek and discreet.

We’re done with that.

How many years have you spent being quiet, trying to fit in wherever you go, appealing to different personalities so you are the most likable person to be around? The most appealing?

Not loving yourself because society said not to, or maybe your family, friends, whoever — spending countless hours picking yourself a part and worrying if you’re measuring up.

We’re also done with that.

It’s time to get obsessed with yourself.

And let’s be very clear being obsessed with yourself goes beyond goes deeper than looks and appearance.

And it’s v different from arrogance (if you feel the need to compare yourself to others to feel better…we have work to do.)

“Some call it arrogance, I call it confidence. You decide when you find out what I’m working with.” — Queen Bey herself.

(This song and quote actually helped me overcome a lot of insecurities in high school that I had picked up, from my body, looks, who I was and more. It was my power anthem as I drove to school each day.)

It’s claiming your worth, your truth, and standing boldly in it.

It’s in the commitments you make to yourself and showing up for them.

It’s being gentle when you need it, loving yourself harder when you really can’t,

trusting yourself in the hardest and simplest of times.

When you boldly step into and claim your worth — it may shake some of those around you.

It could bring out the “Who does she think is?” in them, but…that’s a good thing.

We aren’t here to upset others, but rather, to disrupt the rooms as we walk in them.

To challenge people with our aura, our grace, our energy.

To create that “Okay, I want what she’s having” kind of vibe.

When we challenge that energy and bring that energy with us, we allow others to step into their power. To rise up. It’s a true ripple effect.

It’s deciding that you’ve always been worthy and falling in love with every part of who you are when the world told you not to.

And it’s not just the things we love or are told are valuable. It’s the dark parts, the shameful, the ones we feel like we would literally never recover if the world discovered them. It’s all of it.

Spending time with those hard to love parts. Seeing the woman who went through those dark times, that you so desperately try to hide from the world and telling her…

It’s okay…you’re still enough and I love you.

You are worthy of your own love, obsession, and admiration.

Embolden yourself so you can step forth into YOUR purpose — people will feel you. The world will see you. And you will feel free and uplifted as you finally live in your truth and drop all of the expectations of who you think you “should” be, and fully embrace who you are. No one can be you — seriously think about how amazing that is?

Literally no one on this Earth, in this Universe, can ever be you.

When you start embracing that, life gets really f*cking good.

You start to carry yourself differently, treat yourself differently, talk to yourself differently, view yourself differently, and the world needs that.

So yes, be obsessed and love every minute. 💗

And that energy you pour into yourself will be reflected back to you in so many ways. ✨

Sending you massive love!!

xoxo, blake.

P.S. If you’re not sure where to even start to get your life together and be your most confident self yet, grab my new e-book Routines for the Confident Woman. And..this is not your typical “you have to wake up at 5 am to be successful book.” This is actually about catering life to fit you and your needs, and no one’s life looks the same. If you’re unsure, check out this blog post! Let me know what you think!

